
Benefits of Microsoft 365 Copilot for Examiners

In different walks of life, the one person we keep close to and give credit for most of our accomplishments is the teacher. So, when everyone is getting assistance from the Copilot, why keep teachers behind?

After all, these are the people behind many advancements. Microsoft, keeping the challenges of teachers in mind, has also introduced an AI assistant for education, to support educators in the classroom.

It helps teachers to get all the help they can in planning and preparing the lectures and class activities. They can use AI-generated templates for plans, get educational lessons through prompts, and prepare student reports without any hassle.

Moreover, if you have a problem with language, you can always switch it to a suitable one. So, with the Microsoft 365 Copilot for Examiners at your side, you can save a lot of time and enhance your overall efforts.

Understanding Copilot for Microsoft 365

Understanding the possibilities of Microsoft Copilot is vital for effectively implementing it in your business. It is more than just a tool; it is a powerhouse that combines the intricacy of large language models (LLMs) with the robust functionality of Microsoft 365 apps, all while drawing on the deep insights of Microsoft Graph.

This integration with Microsoft Graph means that Copilot understands more than just your orders; it also understands your company, drawing on a wide web of data links to provide specialized support.

Benefits of Microsoft 365 Copilot for Examiners

You don’t have to believe what the internet says. Just take the words of university faculty about how Microsoft Copilot is making an impact on the lives of teachers.

“Microsoft Copilot is a game-changing tool for higher education that greatly improves instructor productivity. This versatile tool is already speeding up Hoosiers’ operations while also serving as a vital resource for developing specialized skill sets in AI and technology among our IU community.” – Anne Leftwich, Associate Vice President for Learning Technologies at Indiana University.

Here are some of the benefits that every teacher can reap from Copilot.

Use Cases & Basic Prompts of Copilot in Education

If you are just beginning and looking for the idea of how Copilot can be an assistant to a brilliant teacher like you, the following are some of the examples with prompts.

  • Lesson Planning

    You probably use Microsoft Word for lesson planning. So, you have one tool; all you need is a Copilot to save some time for you.

    If you write a prompt like “Create a detailed lesson plan on the [topic] for a [class] [subject] class. You will get the complete plan, make some tweaks as you need, and save up to 40% of your time.

  • Grading and Feedback

    Grading is now easy, too, with Microsoft Copilot for education.

    With the Microsoft 365 Copilot AI tool, Examiners can simply ask Copilot to “grade [assignments] and provide constructive feedback”. This way, you can save more than half of the time you might have spent checking each assignment on your own.

  • Interactive Learning Activities

    You might be spending a lot of time preparing PowerPoint slides to engage students in the class through interactive activities.

    Well, add the Copilot to PowerPoint and ask it to “design [activity] on [subject] for [class].” Now, you can have the activity laid out for you. Just make some fresh changes, and you are good to go.

  • Student Performance Analytics

    Stop drowning in data and start using Microsoft Copilot for Examiners. Copilot for Excel analyzes student grades. Just ask it through a prompt: “Analyze students’ semester grades to identify patterns and areas for improvement.”

    You can save 20-30% on analysis time and gain valuable insights to personalize learning.

  • Curriculum Development

    Creating a curriculum from scratch can be daunting. Copilot for Word streamlines the process if you ask it to “Develop a curriculum outline for an [subject/topic].”). Reduce development time by up to 35% and focus on crafting engaging learning experiences.

  • Automating Administrative Tasks

    Free yourself from scheduling headaches! Copilot for Outlook tackles parent-teacher meetings by getting Copilot to “Organize and schedule parent-teacher meetings for the coming month.”

    Cut down administrative tasks by up to 40% and get back to what matters most – teaching

  • Customized Learning Material Creation

    Tailoring worksheets is time-consuming. Copilot for PowerPoint and Word comes to the rescue.

    Write a prompt, “Create a set of customized math worksheets for [class] students with varying difficulty levels.” You can save 30% on content creation and differentiate instruction for each student’s needs.

  • Enhancing Online Teaching

    Take your online classroom to the next level! Copilot for Teams helps you set up an engaging virtual environment. Simply ask it to “Assist in setting up an engaging virtual classroom for a [subject] course.”

    Improve online teaching efficiency by up to 25% and foster a thriving online learning community.

Understanding the Three Conversation Styles

Copilot offers three separate conversation modes, each tailored to a different teaching need:

  • Precise: Copilot provides brief, correct answers to direct questions such as “What’s the chemical formula for glucose?”.
  • Balanced: This approach is great when you require a combination of extensive explanations and factual accuracy.
  • Creative: Encourage creativity with open-ended responses, which are ideal for engaging kids in imaginative discovery.

Bottom Line

Finally, when you have Copilot for Microsoft 365 at your side, you can do more than just be a lecturer. You can have more time to have interaction with kids.

With less exhaustion from all the tasks, you will be able to effectively balance your teaching career and personal life.

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