
Create and Distribute Minutes of Meetings Effortlessly with Copilot Prompts

In a lengthy meeting addressing crucial topics, Copilot proves invaluable for efficiently recording and summarizing meeting minutes. Its AI-driven capabilities enable swift and accurate notetaking, ensuring comprehensive coverage of key points. With Copilot, the process of creating detailed minutes is streamlined, facilitating quick distribution to all actively participating attendees, and enhancing collaboration and understanding among team members.

Here is the scenario where you can apply a prompt in Copilot to generate minutes of meetings.

In a marathon boardroom session addressing pivotal decisions for a healthcare organization, discussions revolved around budget allocations, patient care strategies, and technology implementations. As the appointed minute-taker, Copilot’s assistance was invaluable in real-time notetaking, capturing key decisions and action items. Post-meeting, Copilot facilitated the creation of a structured meeting summary and a draft email for seamless distribution to all engaged participants, ensuring that critical insights and directives were effectively communicated across the team.

Prompt: Generate meeting minutes for a critical and lengthy meeting discussing important matters. Include key points, decisions, and action items. Once the minutes are compiled, provide a draft email for distribution to all active participants, summarizing the meeting outcomes and encouraging further collaboration.

Here is How Copilot Can Assist You in Teams:

Setting up Copilot in Teams.

  • To use Copilot in Teams, we need to have a Copilot for Microsoft 365 subscription, which gives us access to Copilot with all Office apps.
  • Select Open Copilot in the upper-right corner of the chat and on the call log. In general, you’ll see the Copilot icon and meeting chat and call.
  • Then, you can type your request in the Copilot panel.

For Example: As you can see in the images we have attached below, first, you need to select the icon that is reflected on the highlighted call on the upper right side.

After that, you might ask the Copilot for a prompt, (Generate meeting minutes for a critical and lengthy meeting discussing important matters. Include key points, decisions, and action items. Once the minutes are compiled, provide a draft email for distribution to all active participants, summarizing the meeting outcomes and encouraging further collaboration.) and you will get a response.

Create and Distribute Minutes of Meetings Effortlessly with Copilot Prompts

Here’s How Copilot Can Assist You in this Scenario:

Real-time Notetaking: As discussions unfold, you can leverage Copilot to generate real-time notes. It can help in summarizing key points, decisions, and action items as the meeting progresses.

Simply describe what’s happening, and Copilot can provide suggestions and complete sentences to capture the information accurately.

Structured Minutes: Copilot can assist in maintaining a structured format for meeting minutes. You can use it to organize information under specific headings such as Agenda, Attendees, Action Items, Decisions, and Next Steps.

Automated Action Item Tracking: Assigning action items during the meeting. Copilot can help create a list of action items and associated responsibilities, making it easier for participants to understand their tasks and deadlines.

Follow-up Emails: After the meeting, Copilot can assist in crafting follow-up emails to distribute the minutes to all participants. Provide the key points, decisions, and action items, and Copilot can generate a well-structured email for you.

Clarification and Expansion: If there’s a need for clarification or additional details on certain points, you can use Copilot to expand upon those areas.

Proofreading: The Copilot can also assist in proofreading the meeting minutes, helping to catch any grammatical errors or inconsistencies before finalizing the document.

Time Management: Copilot can help you manage your time during the meeting by suggesting efficient ways to phrase information and ensuring that you’re capturing the most critical points.

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