
Microsoft Copilot AI vs Robin Copilot vs Briefpoint vs Clio Legal AI Assistants

More law firms are looking into ways that AI can be used to simplify and streamline their workflows. This has proven to be a challenge as privacy and security concerns over AI use in the law industry are a hot topic for discussion.

Of course, there are legal AI assistants that are being developed specifically for use in the legal industry. These tools can be used to automate and simplify many different tasks but how do they compare to Microsoft Copilot?

This article will compare some popular legal AI assistants with Copilot so you can see the benefits that Microsoft is bringing to the table.

Microsoft Copilot vs Robin Copilot: Which is Better for Lawyers?

Robin Copilot is a popular tool for lawyers to use as a virtual AI assistant. It can be used to review documents and provide edits and suggestions based on context and user prompts. It can also be used to analyze documents for certain information based on user queries.

While Robin Copilot works similarly to Microsoft Copilot, it is missing the very important integrations with popular applications like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. This means that it will be more difficult to use in workflows that rely heavily on these applications.

Microsoft Copilot is seamlessly integrated into the Microsoft Word application, making querying and editing the document quick and easy when using Microsoft Copilot for suggestions.

Another thing to consider is the brand reputation that Microsoft has when it comes to designing intuitive software and applications. Robin Copilot is one of many AI chatbots looking to fill the space for AI assistants, while Microsoft 365 Copilot is an established platform that is being constantly improved as time goes on.

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Microsoft Copilot vs Briefpoint: Which is Better for Lawyers?

Briefpoint is another popular AI assistant tool that lawyers have started to use to make the discovery phase easier. Since the discovery phase includes reading over tons of documentation, having an AI tool to analyze the documents and pull out specific information can make the tasks much quicker and easier.

Microsoft Copilot is also capable of this and due to the integration with Microsoft Word, can make editing and analyzing the document much easier than when using Briefpoint. Using Briefpoint, the process takes two applications and twice as much work to get what you need. Microsoft Copilot can be used inside Microsoft Word to analyze discovery documentation and automatically suggest requests for admission, production, and interrogatories.

A brief point is also not optimal when it comes to analyzing spreadsheets with number data. It is intended to be used for discovery documentation so if there are spreadsheets that need to be analyzed, they will need to be done manually. Luckily, Microsoft Copilot is integrated into Microsoft Excel as well, making extracting data from spreadsheets a breeze.

Microsoft Copilot vs Clio: Which is Better for Lawyers?

Clio is a full-service AI assistant suite for lawyers. Using Clio, lawyers can have access to all of their case documentation in one place and handle document management and other forms of automation inside the Clio application.

While Clio is robust, it still relies heavily on external applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Since these applications are so popular, it would be a better option to use Microsoft Copilot since it has already been fully integrated into these applications and can perform all the same tasks that Clio is capable of.

One of Clio’s most powerful features is email automation, which allows for quick and easy delivery of important documents on an automated schedule. Microsoft Copilot can also do this while integrated with existing Outlook mailboxes.

There is also a steeper learning curve to using Clio than Microsoft Copilot. Since Copilot works with existing Microsoft applications, many people will find them easier to use due to their familiarity with the software.

Microsoft Copilot vs SpellBook AI: Which is Better for Lawyers?

SpellBook AI is another AI assistant tool that is primarily used to review and draft documents. SpellBook AI can also be integrated directly into Microsoft Word where it can suggest edits, review documentation, and create drafts based on user queries.

While it works similarly to Microsoft Copilot, the integration with Word is not as strong as using SpellBook AI. It is also only able to handle text documentation, so if there are

spreadsheets that need to be analyzed or presentations that need to be made, different tools will be needed.

Microsoft Copilot on the other hand can handle both Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations easily. For those looking for an AI assistant to integrate into Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, there is simply no better option than Microsoft Copilot.

Apps4Rent Can Get You Setup with Copilot Today!

The law industry is evolving to use AI to simplify everyday tasks. If you are interested in getting started with Copilot, contact us today to find out everything you need to know.

As a Microsoft Solutions Partner Apps4Rent provides technical support and Microsoft 365 Copilot licenses. Our customer service agents are ready to assist you day or night so give us a call now!

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